“Unveiling the Enigma: All About the Sphynx Cat Breed”

Sphynx cat breed origin

Sphynx cat are the wonderful creature and unique cat breed. They are mostly known by their hairless skin or nude appearance and intelligence. They are marinates of cat .They are also the most energetic cat breed. If you wants the cat with extra attention than average cat than this cat breed should prove ideal for you as extremist feline friend .if you are thinking for petting the sphynx cat breed or you are the lover of the sphynx cat breed then you should read some of the most fascinating facts about the sphynx cat bread



The cat breed originated in Canada when the domestic cat breed give birth to first hairless kitten known as Prune. The breed produced as a result of spontaneous gene mutation.They was named sphynx because of their resemblance with Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Most of the sphynx cat in now a days are descended from two kitten found in Minnesota in 1975 and three kitten from Toronto in 1978.

The breeders then used to do selective breeding to produce more breeds of the sphynx cats.

Prominent features of sphynx cat:-

Sphynx cat personality
Sphynx cat grooming


This cat breed was usually known for their nude appearance as they lack hair or fur at their body instead their bodyare pigmented and have certain pattern on their body.

They have funnel shaped face with beautiful bright, shining lemon shaped  eyes . They can express their feelings with their shining eyes. They have long ear as compare to other cat .they also have big round belly with finger like toes.

Body weight:-

Their average body weight is about 6-14 pound with average height of about 6-10 inches. These cat breeds have hearty appetite so; they should be given a balanced diet to avoid obesity. Or other diseases which may affect the health of the sphynx cat breed.

Body Colour:-

They are found in varieties of colour they would be black, ebony blue , cream , beige , silver, orange , white ,brown chocolate or grey . They also have unique marking present on their body which make them more attractive and eye catching.

Social animal:-

The sphynx cat is very social cat breed. They are extremist cat breed and require more attention from their owner. They hate to be alone they have friendly nature. They are also known as Velcro cat because they like human company.

Temperament of sphynx cat:-

Sphynx cat behavior

These cats have playful personality. They are very social and friendly. They are highly intelligent cat breed. They love to be loved and spend time with their owner. They also try engaged with you in your activities. They can easily express their feelings. They are loyal and can love you endlessly. They eagerly explore their surroundings and always engaged in playful activities. They can easily interact with other cats and human. They like to cuddle with their owner. They always seek attention of their owner. They are proved to be the best companion that loved you endlessly.

Why sphynx cat has no hair?


The sphynx cats are produced as a result of spontaneous genetic mutations. They usually lack the gene which is responsible for providing hair with keratin protein when emerge from follicle due to lack of keratin protein the hair are not strengthened and eventually falls or dislodge .The recessive mutation in the keratin 71 gene which is responsible for the production of specific protein responsible for hair growth and production results in the formation of nude appearance in the sphynx cat.  Although they are not completely bald they have certain pattern of downy fuzz at their body.

The selective breeder in order to maintain the specific trait of the hair less cat used special genetic programs and ensures the selective breeding by selecting the gene responsible for this unique trait. Now a days the scientific techniques become more vast in order to ensure the sustainability of these specific and unique cat breed.

Cost of the sphynx cat:-

The sphynx cat is considered as the expensive cat. The average cost of the sphynx kitten is about 1500$ to about 3000$. Some breeders may cost more However the cost may vary according to the age, Size, weight, height and other things.

Despite of this entire if you buy the sphynx cat you should have a great budget in order to take care of this cat breed. They need regular veterinary checkup, vaccines, high protein balance diet, regular bathing, clean environment and other cat accessories. The food used for feeding the sphynx cats is more expensive and their quality should be good and high.  If you are financially strong and able to fulfil your commitment with feline friend than you should go for it and adopt the most unique and wonderful feline friend.

How to take care of your sphynx cat?

Sphynx cat care tips

If you are going to adopt the sphynx cat then here are some important points regarding to taking care of your sphynx cat.

Sphynx cat requires extra care and attention as compare to the ordinary cats or other cat breeds. As these breed lack hair so, their skin is greasier and have high oil secretion. The hair present at the body of cat usually absorb oil secretion but in case of sphynx cat hair are absent so they require regular bath and Grooming. Their ears and nails should be clean properly. Their skin are more susceptible to sun burn and other skin disease so it is essential to protect them from direct sun rays and other extreme conditions.The veterinary checkup is essential at least two – three times in a week.

Sphynx cat breed have large appetite with big bellies. The owner should take care of their balanced diet in order to prevent obesity.


Sphynx cats are most intelligent, playful, energetic and unique breed of cat. They are known for their hairless appearance. They are considered as the best companion that can love their owner endlessly. They require extra attention from their owner. They also require extra care due to lack of hair. They are found in varieties of colour. They are indoor cat breed. They are highly expensive and have high appetite. If you want to pet a cat than sphynx cat is considered as one of the best and unique animal.




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