Diabetes in Cats: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Diabetes in Cats:


Cats are the creature known for their sensitive personality. They not only sensitive by nature but also sensitive by physically and mentally. As the owner of a cat, you are more conscious about your cat health. In this blog, we are going to discuss about diabetes Mellitus which is the disease becoming most common among cats. In this blog, we are going to discuss about some symptoms, causes and effect of disease called diabetes prevailing among most of the cat breeds. The symptoms of diabetes is quit but it comes out suddenly when you have less chance to treat the cat. About 1 out of 230 cat are effected from diabetes and this ratio is increasing day by day. The diabetes occur at any age of the cat it doesn’t see if your cat is small, young or aged. It may become lethal if it remain untreated. By studying different factor and symptoms about diabetes you can easily look after your cat and allow them live healthy wealthy life. The life free of any disease and pain. So, the detail about diabetes, it’s causes and it’s symptoms are given below in this blog.

Diabetes Mellitus:-

Hormone as in human play very important role in the regulation of body functions of cat. One of the hormone called insulin which help in break down the glucose from body and regulate the blood glucose level when insulin absent the glucose are not broken down as a result the glucose level began to increase in body at lethal concentration this condition results in diabetes Mellitus.

Types of diabetes Mellitus:-

Type I

Also known as insulin dependent diabetes. It occur when beta cell of pancreas fails to produce insulin. As a result the blood glucose level increases at drastic level. Sometimes may lead to kidney failure. The type I diabetes are usually treated by insulin injections and other medications. In severe condition dialysis need to be started.

Type II

In this type the body produces enough insulin but cells fail to respond to insulin. It also results in increase concentration of glucose in body which result in severe health problems. It usually occur at early ages of the cat. The type II diabetes can be cured by using insulin injection proper care of diet and weight control among cats.

Causes of diabetes Mellitus:-

The causes of diabetes Mellitus which lead to increase in risk factors of the disease are given below

1- Obesity:

Obesity is the root of all the disease in cats. The obese cat are more likely to have diabetes than the slim cat. The obesity results in increase in the fat in body which make the body cell resistant to the insulin effect and result in increase in normal blood glucose level.

2- Age:

Diabetes is more common among the senior cats. The cats having age of 6-8 years are more vulnerable to diabetes but this disease doesn’t depend on the age of the cat it may occur at any time at any age of the cat.

3- Gender:

Males are more vulnerable to this disease called diabetes as compared to the female cat. However the risk factor of effecting the cat is not gender specific.

4- Nutritional defects:

Irregular and unchecked diet among the cats result in increasing risk of diabetes Mellitus. The cats consuming higher concentration of carbohydrates that contains glucose sucrose etc have high risk of getting the diabetes disease.

5- Medications:

If your cats are on medication from the long term then the risk of getting diabetes increases at higher rate as compare to other cats. The medication having steroids results in making body less sensitive to insulin and consequently increases the glucose level in body of cats.

Symptoms of diabetes:-

Usually the cats do not show the symptoms quickly that they have diabetes, Although there are certain tips through which you can guess about the problem through which your cat is suffering. Here we are going to discuss some symptoms of disease called diabetes Mellitus Among cat. If your cat is showing such symptoms than you should visit the veterinary doctor right away

Lack of energy:

The cats suffering from diabetes Mellitus usually appear as tired, sleepy, and less active. Their normal routine changes they don’t move around as move in normal conditions this is because the absence of insulin results in failure in break down of glucose in body as a result the body fails to get sufficient energy. It causes condition called hyperglycemia in cat body.

Weight loss:

The cats suffering from diabetes suffer from excessive weight loss as the cat lack ability to break down glucose for energy so in order to obtain energy the body began to break down fats from the body to use it as source of energy. With the passage of time the weight of cat began to loss at exponential rate which results in condition called ketoacidosis.

Drinking and eating more:

The cats suffering from diabetes drink a lot of water and food in order to compensate the excessive loss of water and energy. It occur due to loss of insulin which result in high glucose concentration in body. The body lack ability to utilize glucose as energy source as a result their body began to defect in energy. The kidneys of diabetic cat produce more urine which result in condition called dehydration in body. As a result the symptoms of drinking excess water and eating more appear in the body of cat.

Losing royal cat standard:

The major symptoms appear in diabetic cat is that the cat began to lose its royal standard. The cats suffering from diabetes are less likely to groom itself. It results in poor appearance of coat of the cat. The cat began to have dandruff in their hairs, the cat have tangled hair. The fur and the skin of the cat began to dry out leading to dull coat. If all these symptoms appear in your cat appearance you should visit to your vet urgently.

Walking on rear paws:

The cats suffering from diabetes results in the neural dysfunction in the hind limbs of the cat due to which the cat began to move in the rear paw of the cat. Feline diabetic neuropathy is most common neuropathy reported in cats and end in plantigrade stance. The cats suffering from this disease have inability to extend the ankle joint

Treatment for diabetic cat:-


The medication and proper supplements contribute to health of the cat. You should give your cat the supplements that provide oral hygiene to your cat all of. Above the energy supplements like omega 3 fatty acid help to reduce pain and inflammation in cats.


The cats suffering from diabetes should given the insulin dosage if the veterinary doctor recommended. The insulin should be given at proper dosage. The syringe used for insulin should be clean and of correct type. The insulin should be handled, store and refill properly. The insulin should be given in proper dosage the over dosage of insulin may prove fatal.

Nutritional control:

The cats suffering from the diabetes should given proper diet you should consult your vet doctor for the best diabetic diet. You should keep the diet consistent and don’t change it suddenly it will help in regulation of blood sugar level and proper control on insulin requirements.


The proper exercise help to maintain the health of diabetic cat as the exercise prevents obesity help in proper supply of energy and blood flow in body. The proper exercise is important for physical and mental health of diabetic cat. As it is the natural therapy for your cat.


You should careful about the health of your cat. If your cat showing the symptoms of diabetes then you should visit your vet doctor, perform the test of your cat prescribed by your veterinary doctor if your cat is proved to be diabetic than you should follow the medication and treatment prescribed by vet doctor. You should provide your cat lot of love and cared during whole treatment. May your cat blessed with good health and wealth.


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