How to make sure your cat is happy with you?

how to make sure your cat is happy

We all know that cats are the wonderful creature of god and one of the best feline friends but how we will came to know that our cat is happy are not. we are going to discuss some tips through which we came to know about signs of happy cat. The behaviour of the cat when they are happy is much more similar to the behaviour of the human. Cats communicate their emotions through their body language and behaviour. Observing the happy cat behaviour over time will help you to understand the unique expression of happiness. Here are some signs that help you to make sure that your cat is happy.

Love blink:-

Love blink is the sign of affection and happiness. It is also considered as cat kiss. The cats have bright , soft and clear eyes ,If your cat watch at you , blink eyes slowly and close eyes with no obvious tension it’s means that your cat is happy. It is the mean of communicating positive vibes between you and your cat.

eyes blinking is the sign of cat happiness


When the cat knead their paws back and forth against the soft surface  such as your lap or any soft surface it’s mean that your cat is happy and relaxed.Cat will knead as a way of petting their human to return their love and affection. It is their way to express their love to their owner.

Cat rolling and rubbing:-

The cat rolls on their back and exposed their belly it is the sign that your cat is happy and comfortable in their environment. If the cat roll in front of you and rub their body against you it’s mean they want to say that “I trust you”. The cat roll when they feel super excited about any thing. They rub their body with their owner to show affection and love to their owner when they are in happy mood. They also rub their body against their owner and table to mark their territory.

cat body language happy

Relaxed grooming:-

The happy cat continue to groom themselves in a relaxed way . They lick their fur to remove dirt and to groom their appearance. Licking is their most common behaviour of showing love and affection. The happy cats not only groom themselves but also groom other cats and human by removing dirt.This behaviour not only strengthen the bond between you and your cat but also it is sign that your cat is happy and satisfied

Purr sound and variety of vocalizations:-

The cat may produce  low pitch and pleasant purr sound  when they are happy and a in relax mood not only that they produce variety of vocal sounds when they are happy . The cat communicate with you through there vocal sounds. When the cats are happy they produce the sound of meow with high pitch .They produce sounds that feel pleasant to you when they are happy these sounds may act as therapy for you . It should be note that not all the purr sounds is the sign that your cat is happy . Sometimes this purr sound is produced when your cat is depressed and unhappy.

cat different sounds is the happy cat behavior signs
happy cat sounds hits diffrently

Waving tail:-

Waving tail with excitement is the indication that your cat is happy and excited. This behaviour is common in many animals so with the cat. When your cat is happy they may wave their tail side by side slowly. Their tail remain upright not much stretched. The cat may curled their tail when they are relaxed and happy. They also groomed their tail by licking when they are happy.

Facial expression:-

They cats facial expressions are just unbelievable when they are happy . They looked so cute and adorable in their happy mood. They cats look as they are smiling when they are happy and relaxed. They just close their eyes and open their mouth its looks like that cat is smiling. Their ear is upright and they look at you with their shining eyes. They are one of the loving creatures of God. Through their facial expression you definitely got that your cat is happy , relaxed and satisfied.

cat eyes &cat body language signs	 tells that your cat is happy with you

Healthy feeding:-

When your cat is happy .They take their diet in normal way and according to their daily routine. When cats are happy they usually prefer to intake the healthy amount of diet .As it is believed that, A healthy cat is happy cat.  So if your cat is showing excitement during feeding time and consume their food completely it’s mean your cat is fit and happy

Playfulness behaviour:-

The happy cats are always engaged in playful activities such as chasing toys ,moving all around your house. They also play with other pets and other human when they are happy. These  activities not only keeps the cats happy but also help to maintain their physical and mental health.

playing and engaging with activities is the happy cat behavior signs

Seeking affection:-

The happy cat move around you rubs your body against your legs, sit on your lap and rub face with your lap. They sit in your lap in a very relaxed state . Their blinking eyes show the sign of affection and trust.The cat in good mood shrinks to appear small and unthreatening. In happy mood they always try to seek affection and love from their owner by spreading positive and happy vibes

Sleeping behaviour:-

When the cats sleeps more it’s mean your cat is unhappy and depressed. The happy cats always engaged in playful activities and desperate to explore their surroundings. They usually have appropriate or regular sleep in their happy mood. They sleep in relaxed state and in peaceful environment.

sleeping too much is not thes igns your cat is pleased with you

Conclusion :-

The cats show lot of behaviour according to their moods when you live and spend time with your cats you began to understand about different actions of the cats , you will be able to understand when will be your cat is happy , sad or depressed. In this content we tried best to tell you about the happy mood of the cats how they behave when they are happy. The behaviour of cats varies from cat to cat. Hope you will like our content and make sure that you cat remain happy and if you find your cat unhappy or unusual behaviour in cat than you should consult to veterinarian to ensure the health of your feline friends

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