Cats are one of the intelligent creature of god . Cats loves to explore new things . They love to do adventurous things. They are the feline that love to explore indoor and outdoor environment. Their personalities and temperament enable them to turn into adventurous animal. The cats like to visit outdoor environment. As compare to cats kitten are more energetic and adventurous. As compare to indoor environment the outdoor environment have high surface area your cat is more vulnerable to infectious diseases, bacteria , parasites and poisonous material so I order to keep your cat out of reach of these harmful things you have to keep check out on your cat and avoid them to move freely in environment so according to the specialists when your cat start visiting outside you have to use leash . In order you use leash and make your cat comfortable you have to leash train your cat . So in this blog we are going to teach you how you can leash train your cat in a very effective manner .here are so tips you can use to train your cat to walk on leash .
Why leash training is important:-
Leash training is important for cats . The mentality and nature of every cats are not same just like humans so leash training to cats may be hard in some cases while in other case it may be simple task. leash training enable the cat to have an safest way to exercise and exploring outside environment . Some benefits of using leash training are given below:-
Health improvement:-
Moving your cat to the out door environment with leash help them to improve their physical and mental health . Improve visual stimulation. It also prevent the stress and fear in household cat for visiting outside environment.
Reduce risk of injury :-
By leash training you have an effective control over your cat . So, you can easily stop your cat from eating any poisonous material or stop them from moving to places that are dangerous for them or may cause serious injury to them .
Enhance comfort :-
Leash training can make your cat comfortable while moving into the outside environment. It may make stronger bond with your feline friend . It also help to develop confidence in your cat so that they can easily interact with other cats and dogs . It reduces the stress level among cats.
In what age you can leash train your cat :-
Leash training of your cat can be done at any age but the best is the kitten age because at this stage they are more accepting about the new things. You can start your leash training at the age of about two month . All in this period you have to show a great patience and consistency. As it may take few months to make your cat comfortable to walk on leash.
Keep in mind if your cat don’t like to walk on Leash or exploring outside environment don’t force them to do this because it may effect their mental health and increase the stress among them.
Steps to train your cat to walk on leash:-
1-Make your cat familiar about harness and leash
Before putting harness in your cats neck you should make your cat familiar about itby showing it to your cat as object that doesn’t cause any harm . Through this the cat build positive association with it. Allow your cat to sniff it , lick it so they become familiar with it by releasing Hormones. Give them a reward while they are near to it.
2-Make your cat used to aboutwearing harness
After your cat become familiar with the harness start placing the harness over the head for few minutes and take it off and give them reward after each attempt.It is the most time consuming step so, you need to show patience and keep practicing to putting on leash and encourage her to move with this . Supervise your cat when she is wearing it.and don’t forget to give your cat reward while wearing harness to develop positive association.
3-Make them comfortable
When your cat started wearing the harness leave them to walk around with it for few minutes slowly increase the time of wearing until your cat began to feel comfortable with it . Now it’s time to attach leash with harness and began to walk with your cat . Dragging the cat may develop the feeling of being tagging make the cat used to of it and keep giving her a reward.
If your cat do not feel comfortable let them take her a time of being used to of it .
4-indoor visit with Leash
If your cat started wearing the leash and start feeling comfortable with it then it’s time to attached leash with your cat and have the indoor visit first. Now start training the cat by using vocal command to fallow you this enable the cat to remain attached with you and lead the way you walk. With the passage of time the cat understands the vocal commands that you have given to the cat. All this process help them to give effective training to fallow you Before going to outside and have with outside exposure with leash .
5- outdoor visit with leash
Now it’s time to visit to the outside environment first choose the controlled environment like backyard where your cat feel less stress and begin to familiarise with the outside environment through smelling and sounds
When your cat become familiar with the outside environment now start visiting to the different outside environment with your cat. All this exposure develop the confidence among cat for facing different environment. You should continue to visit outside on consistent days and make it as part of your cat routine so that your cat feel comfortable and remain used to about it infrequent visit failed to develop confidence in cat.
Additional tips
Do not let your cat to move outside without you
It is important that you should move with your cat to the outside environment and don’t let your cat to move to outside without you because if once the cat develop the habit of moving outside without then it may do this and you didn’t know about it.
keep your cat under supervision in outside environment
Do not allow your cat to remain unattended in outside environment as it may cause serious injury to your cat or other harm to your cat. Your cat may move to any where in the environment and may loss to new environment
The leash training is time consuming process . By leash training you allow your cat to visit to the outside environment it enable positive effect on their mental and physical health it also help you to control your cat leash training has many benefits. The steps through which you can leash train your cat are given in this blog keep in mind to put harness directly on your cat first of all make them familiar about it similarly do not expose your cat directly to the outside environment you should expose through step by step process . Once your cat become comfortable with leash you cat take your cat with it any where in the outside environment.Through his you can develop the strong bond and association with your feline friend.
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