The Ultmate Guide to Cat Cafes: Where to Cuddle with Feline Friends and sip Delicious drinks”

If you are a cat lover and wanted to spend your precious time with cats with the sip of coffee than you should take a step toward the cats café or if  you are thinking to adopt the cat then you should go to cat café where you can adopt a kitty of your choice. In this blog we are going to discuss about the cat café origin , the well being of cats , how you can adopt the cats from cat café and how this place is perfect destination for your happiness.


Catcafé is the place where people drink tea , coffee or many of such beverages .it is similar to other café .the distinguish feature is that in cat café cats are present & the people especially cats lover can enjoy the company of cats. The main idea behind the cats café is to provide the relaxing environment to people enjoying the cup of coffee or tea with the presence of the cats. The cats create the calming atmosphere which help to reduce stress and anxiety among people. The cats café provides food and healthy environment to cats to live happily .


The idea of cat café comes from Korea and flourishes in japan. The Japan is highly populated country with small houses. Very little or no space for pets lead to development of idea of cat cafe. The first cat café was opened in 1998 in Taiwan the café is known as The cat flower garden recently it is known as the café cats and dogs. Now in Asia approximately 400 cats café are opened. It is studied that Europe is second largest cat café region with over 100 cat café opened recently.

2.How cat cafe works?

There are few points which can help you to understand about working of cat café , how it works and what are the main aim of cat café:-

Cat care :-

The cafe provide environment to the cats favourable for their growth , development and reproduction . They provide food , shelter and healthy atmosphere.Veterinary service are available for the cats present there. The staff of cats café are trained for grooming and maintaining health of cat.

Hygienic environment:-

The cat café take care about the hygienic conditions of the areas and food. They take care that the drinks should be fresh. The food given to cats and people should be pure and free of contamination. The staff should clean their hands and use sanitizer before preparing food and dealing with cats to reduce the risk of diseases. The café should be kept clean by staff to ensure the health of cats and people visiting there. The people visiting have to sanitise their hand, cover their shoes with plastic booties all these help to remove the germs.

Adoption of cats :-

The cats café provides the chance to many people to adopt the cats of their own choice . They spend time there with their new kitty friends and as per wish they can adopt the cat of any breed there.

Separate areas:-

The areas are separated for café where people can enjoy beverages and the areas where people can play with cats.

Food and beverages:-

Many of the cat café provide special meal and beverages to costumers. So, the costumer can enjoy their food and drinks by passing time with their feline friends. It create healthy environment and become source of relaxation.

3. Types of cat café

There are different types of cat cafe which we discuss below:

Cat bakery or desert café:-

In addition to providing the company of cats these café also provide to their customers with special deserts like pastries, cake sandwiches and beverages to enjoy their meal with the new kitty’s friends.

Cat medications café:-

These café allow their customers to come and spend their time with cats as they are sources of relaxation. Cats help to reduce stress and anxiety among people. They also help to regulate their hormonal activities and release the love hormone. This help to cure health and provide medications to costumers.

Rescue Cat café:-

These café help the homeless cats . They rescue the cats and provide food and shelter to them. They work with special organisations. They provide temporary shelter to adoptable cats.

Cat adoption café:-

These café allow people to come spend time and adopt the cat which they want or from which their vibes would match.

Cat themed or special breed café:-

In these café the cats of special breed like coons , Persian and samisen are present . These café allow people to come and studied about the different cats breeds their activities and behaviour

4.Is cat café earn money?

The cat café earn money for the survival and benefits of the cats , to provide shelter and food to cats these café earn money through different ways :-

By selling food :-

The café offer food like cake Pastries sandwiches and other item. The costumer charge when they buy this item. The profit margins are enough to regulate their monthly revenues.

By selling beverages :-

Like food most of the café provides the drinks like coffee, tea and many beverages. So the customer can enjoy their great time with cats by drinking the sip of their coffee .by selling these beverages they can earn great profit.

Entry fees :-

The cat café sets an entry fees for their customers . They usually enter to the café by paying the fees for specific time period. The café use these fees for the cat care their food and their health.

Adoption fees:-

The customer who wants to adopt an cat have to pay the adoption fees . The adoption fees help to maintain their monthly revenue and also to carry out many of the medical programs . The fees also contribute to the financial stability of the café

By setting events :-

Cat café set different events and programs to collect funds for the welfare of cats and for other cats rescued and shelter programs

5.Is cats café good or bad for cats?

Cats café are good for cats in many aspects like

  1. It provide food and shelter to cats
  2. It increases the adoption facility for cats
  3. It increase the interaction of cats with human
  4. It help to relax the cats and provide less stressful environment to cats
  5. Increase the chance of survival and interaction.

In spite of all the advantages there are also some disadvantages which are given below:-

  1. Cats have territorial behaviour which causes the competition among cats
  2. Less food available to some cats
  3. Cats need place where they can hide but cat café lack these sites
  4. They some time become less tolerant to people due to stress conditions.


Summing up all my discussion cat café are good for the survival of cats they develop the sense of animal welfare Among people . It is important to note that not all the cat café have good setups.  The best cat cafes ensures the health and happiness of the cats. They implement some rules and regulations for the maintenance their café environment which is beneficial for both cat and also note that not all the people cat visit the cat café some people may have allergies with cats. Cat café provides the loving home to many cats through adoption. cat cafes become source of happiness for many people especially cats lovers around the world.

check out my other blog to know more amazing tips about how to make a cat sleep at night

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