“Mastering the Art of Feline Education: 8 Unique Tricks to Teach Your Cat”


Are you a cat owner ? Are you searching for the unique tricks you want to teach your cat ? Then you are at the right place .

Cats are fabulous feline friends.They are so intelligent and wise. They can learn the things easily so if you are thinking that cats cannot be trained with different and unique tricks than you are wrong because their intelligent personality help them to learn and explore new things so that  they can be trained with different tricks. Your positive interaction help to trained them easily. This process can be driven easily by giving them rewards all you need is the patience and being humble during the whole process . Next everyone wants to know why we need to train a cat this is because indoor cats do not have much opportunities to learn different things as compare to wild cat that learn many things through their experiences . This learning are important for their physical and mental health so cat training is important for their mental and physical health all of above this training makes your cat personality more attractive and charming. In this blog we are going to tell you some important and cool  tricks that you can teach your cat.

Tips for teaching the tricks :-

Unique Tricks to Teach Your Cat


Teaching your cat a new tricks is most amazing thing . It make your bond stronger with your feline friend. During your training you become surprise that how quickly your cat pick-up the new things and how intelligent your cat is the few tips that may help you during the whole teaching session are given below

1-your training session should be for small period of time

2-the training session should be repetitive

3-the area chosen should be distraction free

4-give reward of something delicious to your catduring training session

5-teach only one trick at a time

Unique tricks

Walk with youby using leash

Walk on leash is one of the most important trick that is important for your cat physical and mental health

Walk on leash is one of the most important trick that is important for your cat physical and mental health .this trick allow your cat to move with you in outdoor environment. This trick ensures the safety of your cat for training your cat to walk on leash the fallowing steps need to be fallow. First of all introduced the harness to your cat when cat recognise it put it on their neck for few minutes if the cat feel comfortable increase the time of harness usage when the cat becomes totally comfortable with it introduced the leash after it take the indoor tour with your cat by using leash then mover to the outside environment.


It is one of the awesome and amazing trick . Teaching this trick can add a lot of fun in your bonding with your cat . Teaching this trick is not a difficult task you just need to fallow the fallowing steps .

Allow your cat to stand in front of you in distraction free area now place the treat as high as possible such that your cat need to raised their paw to capture treat when the cat raise their paw give her high five with vocal command and then given her a treat or reward repeat this process repetitively on consecutive days so that your cat learn to do that .


It is one of the most simplest trick as it  is the most important and basic trick that you can teach your cat . It form the basis of all other tricks. For teaching this trick the fallowing steps need to be fallowed

Allow your cat to be with you in standing position .Take a delicious treat that your cat like the most place the treat over head and ear now start moving the treat toward the tail this will result in sitting the cat at this use vocal command sit when the cat sit give her a reward . Repeat this trick 2-3 times in a day this will allow your cat to learn this trick.

Ringing bell


This is one of the unique trick that you can teach your cat . It is one of the easiest trick that you can teach your cat for this the guidelines need to be fallowed , first of all attach the bell to the collar of your cat allow your cat to ring the bell when the cat ring bell give her a treat this will form positive association of cat with ringing bell . After several repetition of this process allow your cat to ring a bell on vocal command.

Using toilet

Teaching your cat a trick like toilet using seems to be impossible but actually it’s not you may train your cat about using toilet in order to train your cat about using toilet the fallowing technique should be used . Firstly place the cat litter box near the commode when the cat comfortable start raising the litter box up to the commode after that using special litter bowl fit it in your commode when your cat become comfortable and do not need the litter at all remove it . And allow your cat to use the toilet by her . Above all you can also teach your cat about flushing the mess.

3 cup treat cat trick

If your cat have high natural hunting skill they have quick eyes to fallow small and fast prey and if your cat are sharp enough to find treat in your hand you may teach your cat the 3 cup trick . Put a treat in cups underneath and watch your cat to finger out where the item ends . It seems to pick up this trick naturally.

Give kiss

kisses your cat built the cutest and one of the strongest bond between you and your cat

This trick is one of the most loving and fun trick not only that it built the cutest and one of the strongest bond between you and your cat for this put some tastytreat on your finger or on your face allow your cat  to lick it make sure that your cat is hungry . After several repetitive session your cat learn to give you a kiss.

Play piano

teach your cat to play piano

It is one of the unique trick that you ever teach your cat. It seems like your cat is cool and just amazing one  in order teach your cat to play piano allow her to sit in front of piano. whenever your cat use piano give her a treat after several repetition sessions the cat form positive association with piano and after some time the cat learn to use piano . Clare is the first musical cat that play piano 

Hand shake or Sherlock trick

Hand shaking is such an adorable technique as it is the sign of well mannered cat you cat teach your cat

Hand shaking is such an adorable technique as it is the sign of well mannered cat you cat teach your cat it is not the natural instinct in the cat you have to teach them that how to shake their hand with some for this you have to train them properly according to given criteria allow your cat to sit In front of you  make sure that the area you choose for training is distraction free. By using vocal command “shake” place the cat paw in your hand  after this give treat to a cat . Repeat this severs times through out the day keep patience . After several positive interaction your cat learn to shake hand with you .


Teaching different tricks is not only fun but it is also important for their physical and mental stimulation. It with strengthen your relationship with your feline friend make sure that your training session should go smoothly if you are feeling some thing change are you thought that your cat is untrainable than you should increase your training session because all cats have different ability of  learning different things kitten learn more quickly than adult cat. Avoid the frustrating environment and take regular breaks focus on one trick at a time stay consistent and be with  patience  through using different methods you can teach your cat many of the amazing and popular techniques.

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