“Why Is My Cat Being Aggressive All of a Sudden? Understanding Sudden Cat Aggression”


Cats are the wonderful creature with multiple social cues they are one of your best friends they love you and show their love by different gestures but some time they may become aggressive due to some reasons you may did not know  why your cat become aggressive all of sudden you did know the reasons of this behaviour. You are sitting at the bed feeling relax with your cat but your cat suddenly bites you feel hurt and start thinking your feline friend began to betray you but it was not the case there are some reasons of this behaviour .so, if you are searching for your cat aggression reasons then you are at the right place here I am going to discuss the reasons behind why your cat become aggressive suddenly  and how you can tackle with these situations and help you cat to feel more comfortable and relax.

Why Is My Cat Being Aggressive All of a Sudden

How your aggressive cat look like :-

Before going to discuss the reasons of aggression you should know what are the symptoms that your cat is aggressive. How your cat looks when is in aggressive behaviour. The cat with this behaviour undergo change in posture and position. They began to hiss at you , their body becomes stiffens and smaller in posture . Sometimes it is difficult to predict that your cat is in aggression so there are some signs that help you in identification of your cat behaviour.

Sign of aggression:-

  • Stiffen hairs , posture and tail .
  • Fast tail thrashing
  • Biting you suddenly
  • Hissing at you for defence
  • Turning away from you during defence
  • Moving toward you when offence
  • Stiff legs
  • Upright ear and dilates pupils
  • Your cat may look big during offensive behaviour
  • Growling
  • Crouched posture in both offensive and defence behaviour
  • Stare at you with aggression in offensive behaviour.

the reason behind aggressive cat

Reasons of aggression:-

Although your cat is more humble and beautiful but some time they become more fearful and aggressive than other cats .All this situation pinch you to start thinking that why my humble cat turn into  much aggressive cat . If you are thinking to concerns with behaviour specialist than you are absolutely right .after consulting your specialist this blog helps you more to learn the reason and situations that turn you beautiful humble cat into more fearful and aggressive cat . And how you can tackle with all situations and reduce your cat anger

Past traumas

Some times your cat may pass through severe trauma in their past which make them much more aggressive . They start avoiding all those things that occur during their trauma these things or experiences pinches aggression and anxiety in cats  and they turn into more violent and aggressive cats.

Pain in body  :-

sometimes cat might be aggressive due to physical condion like body pain

If your cat is injured or have pain in body they may show aggressive behaviour. Usually cats do not show that they are in pain or have any issue during pain they began to hide themselves do not interact with you  as they do in normal routine. They began to hide them selves , eat less or sometimes stop eating . By acting aggressively during pain they can ensure or increase their survival rate.

Some medical  issue like joint disease , dental disease  or infection may induce aggressive behaviour in cat as you may touch the affected area of cat it may cause severe pain to your cat and they may feel worse in this situation  all of these you should visit your veterinary doctor to ensure that your cat  should remain healthy and humble

Territory defence aggression :-

The cat marks their territory by producing the special chemical call pheromones in their body .they do not tolerate other cats to come into their territory. This behaviour is more common in male cats. They don’t tolerate other cats or new person . If they come into their marked territory it triggers the aggressive behaviour in the cats

Some time the cats may moved to new places which is out of their territory range with no pheromones of their own they feel uneasy and vulnerable  they sometimes began to hiss at the owner or began to hide themselves all of these conditions trigger the aggressive behaviour in cats .

Fear aggression:-

cat might be aggressive due to any fear

Some time your cat Don’t feel comfortable in environment or they feel fear with the unusual activities occurring in environment like the fireworks , loud voices during construction , drum sound etc all these situations triggers the aggressive behaviour in cats . Some time interaction with new cat or new person  also induce the fear aggression in cats this is because they experience new chemical smell which doesn’t Match with their own body chemical so for their defence they show aggression . These cats do not return to their normal state until they feel comfortable or return to their environment.


Redirect aggression:-

This type of aggression is more dangerous and unpredictable behaviour. You cat may jump to bite you all of the sudden without any cause . You didn’t know what make the cat so aggressive. This may be due to the external stimuli . The cat may see the mouse or any bird but it is out of the reach of the cat it induce the stimulus of predation in cat and pinched the aggressive behaviour in cats so if you sitting in front is them they choose you to release their aggression.

During mating search :-

During heat cycle some cats may become aggressive  they began to rub their body against everything, they began to hoeing or meowing at the door step attracting other male cat or induce aggression in them .

When the cat becomes pregnant or give birth to the kitten they also become more aggressive all of the sudden this aggressive behaviour ensures the survival of their kitten and protect them from predators.

Status aggression:-

Dominance behaviour is most common among the cats . If you have more than one cat  there will be one cat will be dominant over other when their status shift the cat behaviour turn into aggressive behaviour. The cat began to growl and hisses at you . When you pay more attention to other cat it developed the state of jealousy among the cat and turn their behaviour into aggressive behaviour This behaviour is one of the more aggressive behaviour that need to be stop otherwise it would outburst at you .

sometimes cat getting aggressive due to jealousy

How it could be controlled:-

When you saw that your cat remain in aggressive mood day by day first of all you should visit your veterinary doctor tell them the situation and try to have the regular checkup and regular medications of cat . You should your self note the reason of their aggression things that can induce the aggression among cats . Try to tackle with all situations. Remove the reasons which develop aggressive behaviour . Try to develop more comfortable and healthy environment for your cat this will creat a safe space for your cats . Don’t shout at your cat keep your children out of reach of your aggressive cat . You should visit your behaviour specialist in . Order to  tackle with their changing behaviour.


cat might be aggreesive due to any medical condtions


Sometimes your cat may become aggressive and violent all of sudden due to some medical issues, fear , territory invasion , petting, and exposure to new environment and friends all these things induce the aggressive behaviour in cat

By understanding the reasons of your cat aggression which are described above you become able to tackle all of your cat mood swings and all this help to provide your cat comfortable and healthy environment to live but if you are still have same issues you should visit your veterinary doctor or behaviour specialist to treat your cat with bestest way.



2 thoughts on ““Why Is My Cat Being Aggressive All of a Sudden? Understanding Sudden Cat Aggression””

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